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Saturday, March 19, 2011

March -- Ides, Madness and Rain

The weather here has been mostly rain -- yesterday even a tornado struck about 15 miles away, strange for sure. The grayness of the days are countered by the number of lights on in the house. It is a good thing for the rain for me because it pretty much matches the mode and mood I'm in this week. There have been a lot of exciting things going on this week though with respect to technology and genealogy. The introduction of the iPad 2 is one of those events.

I don't have one but the iPad that I do have is great and I use it everyday -- mostly for genealogy and/or photo enhancing. I like the idea that the new iPad has 2 cameras and so maybe there is a case to be made.

The other announcement along the tech/genealogy lines was the introduction of a new genealogy related search engine --

Mocavo, I have already used this and it produces really fast and many unique responses. I have added it to the favorites search engine choices of my Family Tree Maker program so that I can access it easily along with Google and the others.

Check out the new feature on the bootom of this blog page -- What's Happening ? -- it will give the latest events, introductions and news relating to the tech world which ultimately ties to genealogy enhancement.

Not long ago I spotted a non tech "Web-Post", well actually it really is high tech in it's own way:

This intricate web was connected to the post holding up our mailbox in the front yard. I thought it worthy of this web-posting as well. To get a closer view please click on this or any of the photos in the blog.

Now I always find it ineresting when I find people in the tree with the same name(s). In this case there is an "I" and a "Y" difference in the spelling but the name is the same . . .

So this week comes to an end -- it is Saturday and that means we do have sliders to look forward to
for dinner along with the sounds of rain patter -- and we hope that is the only weather related sound as our area did just receive a "Severe Weather Warning" -- very high winds gusting along with thunder, just the things our dog loves . . . NOT.

I am encouraged though by a sign I spotted on one of my favorite sites "StumbleUpon" and it is appropriate for this week:

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