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Saturday, August 18, 2018

Too Close for Comfort

It used to be "polio" that was in the minds of many parents back in the 30s and 40s. Today here in the West it is "wildfires". Just two days ago -- Thursday -- our lunch period was punctuated with the sounds of sirens, planes, and helicopters. We could see smoke -- didn't smell smoke -- but it was very obvious that fire had to be nearby. Nearer than we wanted it to be.

We feel somewhat lucky in that the fire was quickly extinguished -- unfortunately, the danger still exists. The fire burnt some 13 acres, which in the scheme of wildfires these days is minuscule, never-the-less is frightening.

There were air drops of water and I believe retardant as well which I'm sure lessened the threat. We live about 5 minutes driving time from the area and have frequently driven through. There is a fine restaurant at that location -- The Madrona Manor -- we've eaten there a few times and that would be a shame to lose.  And there are several homes in the vicinity -- the ones that were evacuated immediately -- and a ton of "fuel".

At this point, that fire is out and we can only hold our collective fingers crossed that another does not ignite -- they have not yet announced the cause of this blaze but it could be so many different things.

Today is day #230 of this year, way past the midway point in the calendar. Christmas is only 128 days away . . . time for some shopping.

Apparently, though today is also a coveted day and date to get married.

If you are "into" numbers today's date is a good one and also one that is associated with good luck and good fortune in many cultures.

But being a palindrome it would make it easier to recall -- I have to always look my anniversary date up to just "be sure" -- and that by the way is one week to go for our "26th" . . . it is so hard to believe.

I never really thought about the dates as being significant but to many, it must be. There are even dates that are not recommended for a variety of reasons. Go figure.

In hindsight, I'm sure that there can be many conclusions drawn as to the impact of the date . . .

So, in between doing random searches throughout various branches of family trees, we spent a lot of time working on our puzzle projects. We find it satisfying to at least be able to solve some pieces of some puzzles:

We have a nice setup now for working a puzzle. Above you can see Gail putting the finishing touches on the "Home Cooking" puzzle and then on the right the start of "The Olde Country Store" puzzle.
The puzzle board covered in green felt is on a swivel base which really makes it handy especially when working alone.

"The Olde Country Store" puzzle has been really a tough one and for a while, I wasn't just sure of the reason -- but it is because the puzzle is a picture of a "painting" and the pieces are covered in brush strokes that obscure the items but become clearer when assembled. If the puzzle is a picture of a picture, then the pieces are easier to "see" where they fit in. We learn something every day. . .

And finally today -- what is on our nightstand?  A lot of books, but the one we are currently reading has an interesting way that it came into our hands.

We both had our regularly scheduled dental appointments this week. While waiting we noticed an addition to the waiting room -- a bookshelf.

On the shelves were several books and a note posted on top stating that this was a lending library -- take one, read one, return when finished.

Initially, I ignored it -- but as time went on I started perusing the titles and found one that interested me -- "A Higher Loyalty" by James Comey.

Still very much in the news these days and seemingly a person of interest to read about -- I decided to take advantage of the book offer and so we are reading it.

We are finding it very interesting certainly with respect to this week's actions -- that being the pulling of security clearances of some folks and may include the author of this book as well -- but the interesting behind-the-scenes look at the goings-on in the White House.

There was another book that came out this week that I'm not sure I would read based on my impression of that author over the last few years -- but James Comey, I feel is a legitimate person to listen to and has the right to share his side of the story.

So, that is a bit of our week. Hope to see you all "in a few"! 👨👩

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