The above sky photo happened last evening as we were watching the Giants game -- we were alerted to the sky from the TV screen that showed the San Francisco sky and shortly after we saw that sky over Healdsburg from our back deck.
After the sun set, the moon glowed through the mottled clouds in the sky creating a very interesting effect. Anyway . . . we're old . . .
Happenings This Week
He is interested in every single gift and gets his nose working to "check" each package.
Even though the gifts are not for him, he does not seem to mind and he gets excited over all.
We had a nice day and a quiet celebration along with a dinner of "pulled pork", corn-on-the-cob and of course a special dessert.
So, the first week of summer is for Gail and then later the first week of fall is my time . . .
The Search Work This Week
It seems that this week again I was involved in searches relating to my maternal side of the tree.
On the left is a Family Group Sheet for my Great Great Grandparents -- George Franklin Bumgardner and his wife Sarah Olive Rider and their ten children.
One interesting fact is that their oldest daughter, Susanna and their youngest daughter, Mollie both married "Hoopes" men.
Susanna or Susan, and Mary Mollie Bumgardner are both great grand aunts of mine.
Susanna married Reece Henry Hoopes and together they had seven children -- all Hoopes of course.
Mollie married Thomas JW Hoopes and they had 5 children.
It is one of the "great grandsons" of Susanna's that caught my attention this week.
The relationships get confusing real fast . . . Martin Cornelius Hoopes while being a 3rd cousin to me was the great grandson of Susanna and Reece.
I remember my mother mentioning the name "Hoopes" when we talked family things when I was growing up -- but only in a passing way -- never any details.
Of course even with my direct line of Bumgardners not much was ever talked about.
As I have mentioned in other posts, we never made one trip to Iowa growing up, to visit any of the Bumgardner and related families there.
To the right is the Find-A-Grave memorial for Martin. Little did I know that a 3rd cousin was living in the Bay Area -- Hayward.
It seems that Martin lived a very interesting life. Born in Oregon, raised in Nebraska and wound up in the East Bay area of San Francisco.
He lived from 1919 til 2013 and died at 93 years of age. He had at least three daughters and two sons and numerous grand and great grandchildren -- probably some of whom are living in the bay area as well.
I plan to delve a bit further into the Hoopes clan and find out other facts as well. I already have found an interesting story about another Hoopes relative that I will highlight in a subsequent post.
Genealogy -- I wish that I could discuss these findings with my parents as I discover these cousins and others.
Another HILES, Wisconsin Offering
And again I see that the real estate market in Hiles, Wisconsin is "booming" -- at least they have "inventory".
It is hard to imagine that there is any place that can offer a home like the one pictured to the left for about the cost of a luxury vehicle.
That property would be close to $1 million in parts of California . . . but then again -- as my wife points out -- "you'd have to live there . . ."
Lastly -- What is on our Nightstand?
One of Gail's birthday gifts is being read each night (thanks, Lisa & Bob).
Jack Nicholson's biography is already very interesting and well written.
Since he is around our age we can relate to the events that are talked about in the book as they happen in his life. And some of the geography is familiar as well -- the Hollywood area and environs.
So we are enjoying getting to know more about Nicholson and look forward to savoring the details of this contemporary in the coming chapters.
That is a bit of our week -- see you all "in a few"!