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Saturday, August 13, 2011

King Us -- Your Move . . . (un)Boxing Day

Some people move more than others. Across the checkerboard there are eight squares and down the checkerboard there are eight squares -- We feel we have made it to the "king-me" row and it is now your move . . .

"Come Good Home" was an expression I heard my father use whenever we were parting. I am sure it was an expression from his Norwegian background. It is appropriate for us after our latest move.

Last week I showed some pictures of the front of our new house -- this week I will show some backyard glimpses. Our backyard can be called somewhat traditional while there are some examples of extreme "backyards" -- this one in Dubai, I believe:

I would have to say -- "Don't chase the wide and long shots . . ."

Our backyard does not have that level of "wow" but it does have what we think we can enjoy for some time -- and it is on level ground, without Oak trees:

We have actually used the pool now three times -- and that only after a full day of schlepping boxes and other move related events. The three times all came in the winding down of the sunny period as well, so getting out of the water was chilling . . . but really refreshing.

We did serve pizza at our first get-together (purchased from a local pizzeria) , however it will be a while before we come up-to-speed on using the pizza oven, but we are researching that and hope for a trial run sometime in the near future -- I wonder if we can make sliders in that thing . . .

The pool house is going to be handy -- eventually -- for now it is housing a lot of storage items. Speaking of which, we have boxed approximately 300 or so boxes which now require dealing-with . . .

This shows some of the boxes we are now dealing with as they are located in a staging area. And we continue to make trips to the local charitable organizations along with offering things to friends and relatives. One way or the other we will reduce this to a more manageable amount. Actually as we "rid" ourselves of some of the stuff we feel "liberated" a bit.

As I look back over my experience in moving in my lifetime I have moved at least 22 times over the years. Gail has moved about five times. My brother holds the record in our family -- over three times what I have moved -- incredible.

We do enjoy this move -- so far -- we hope in the coming weeks to settle-in and get back to a new routine.  Who's next? It's your move . . . if you are going to move this year there is approximately 140 days to go.

That was our week, we hope you have had a good week as well! See you in a few -- it is again "Slider Saturday Night".

Genealogy, "Oh yes" we are still fleshing out stories for future family historians, but I plan to get back to my regimen soon.

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